
The Akashic Records, also called The book of Life, are a collection of information for all lifetimes you have lived, with all your obstacles, losses, grief and fears you may have experienced, but also with all your joy and happiness and all the wisdom, knowledge, spiritual learning you may have gained. Think of it as a virtual library containing the complete history of your Soul’s experiences, a hidden treasure which is waiting for you to open and be guided by.


💫 Your Divine Soul Blueprint

This is Your STARTING POINT. This 1-hour session reveals information about WHO YOU ARE AT SOUL LEVEL - your Divine gifts and talents, the Star system your Soul originated from, your Soul specialisation(s) & the Primary Life lesson. Knowing this is so EMPOWERING as it gives you GUIDANCE on the right direction to move towards, and also outlines the frames of your Soul-aligned actions which will bring positive shifts in your life.

💫 Light Language Healing

This 1-hour session is channeled frequencies of sound and light through the Higher Self which is transmitting the WISDOM of THE SOUL. It cleanses your mind, expands your heart and heals your body. As the LANGUAGE of THE HEART, it is a CATALYST OF PERSONAL DEEP CHANGE AND EVOLUTION.

💫 more opportunities to work with me

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