How It all started …

If you knew me you would definitely say that I am an empath and a genuine helper, wanting the best for everyone, a seeker of the truth behind the visible. Choosing the medical career did not feel like a calling at the time. Later on, while I was expanding my expertise, I would often ask myself: If I went back in time, would I choose the same path again? And the answer was invariably: Yes. Becoming a medical doctor and building expertise is a long journey and not an easy one but the feeling of being at the right place was really good …

… until 16 years ago when I started my journey of awakening and healing. I began to explore even more when I was diagnosed with Hashimoto’s disease. This is an autoimmune disease leading to gradual decline of the thyroid gland function. Not something that you die from, “nothing serious, you just have to take hormonal tablets until the end of your life”. This is the attitude and approach of the modern medicine. It wasn’t good enough for me though - I woke up to the fact that my own immune system for some reason had started producing antibodies against my own thyroid cells. Several years later a blood test revealed four more auto-antibodies, not specifically pointing to another autoimmune disease, but my immune system was perpetually producing more molecules, targeting my own cellular structures. I was attacking myself, why?

It was eye-opening to realise that conventional medicine was in fact not addressing the cause of the disease. I mean any disease, apart from infections and physical trauma, where the cause is obvious. Instead, modern medicine has mainly been treating symptoms, modern medicine has not been looking for the cause at the right place and has been limiting its search at the level of the physical body.

However, whatever happens in the physical body, even at the level of our genes, is not the cause! It is a consequence!

My healing endeavour led me through different, so called alternative or complementary healing modalities, courses, webinars, trainings, visits to indigenous people in North America, Peru, Hawaii, meeting the culture of ancient Egypt...

The results?

The healing process expanded my awareness for the fact that:

Number 1. There is an energetic root cause behind any life dis-ease.

To clarify, when I say dis-ease I don’t only mean a medical condition, I mean any dis-ease that we might be experiencing, any issue in any area of our life – health, relationships, money, career etc.

Number 2. We are able to uncover the energetic root causes and understand how we ourselves created our current life circumstances. 

Number 3. We can change our life circumstances & consciously shape our life the way we want. 

The key is to understand that in whichever life area we feel stuck and are experiencing lack instead of abundance, we ourselves have created it, most of the time unconsciously.

The key is also, this is the good news 🙂, to know that we can “un-create” it and carve a beautiful life for ourselves, we really can. We are powerful creators!

Believe me, this means that you also are.

Especially if you are ready:

🌼 If you have worked so hard to fix or heal your struggles and have come to a point that you don’t see any solution

🌼 If you know you can’t go on in the same old way and are open for something to happen and show you the way

🌼 If you are willing to take responsibility for your own life

Once you understand the energetic root cause behind your issue, you stop asking yourself “Why is that happening to me?” and you change the question “How did I create this?”. You move from the energy of “I am a victim of my circumstances” to the energy of personal responsibility “I create my circumstances with my choices”. This is very empowering.

Do you remember John Lennon’s song “Imagine”:

“Imagine all the people
Livin' life in peace……
You may say I'm a dreamer
But I'm not the only one
I hope someday you'll join us……”

What if you awaken the dreamer inside you and open up to the possibility to understand and try what new life you can create for yourself…

I can support you and guide you on this journey of self-discovery and conscious creation of your own life.

I am grateful that you are here!

Thank you for taking the time to get to know me. I would love to connect with you.

With honour,

Dr. Veselka