You were born with wings. Why prefer to crawl through life?
— Rumi


We are sending signals to the universe all the time whether we are conscious about it or not.

As if each one of us were a musical instrument - an oboe, a flute, a violin, a cello, a piano…, and we are constantly sending out our unique sound to the universe.

Once radiated, it connects with the field of all possibilities and our sound resonates and attracts back the exact same resonance from the field, which manifests as certain people and circumstances in our life.

If we want to create something beautiful in our life, we need to find our own unique Divine sound and receive from this infinite field high-resonant frequencies which are Life-affirming and Life-enhancing.

And finding our unique sound is a process. It is the most important journey of Life leading you to claim that you are a powerful creator of your reality.

If you are a seeker, I invite you to embark on this journey to find and express your own unique sound that will create a different, more beautiful reality in your life.

It is called

Creating Your Own Miracles
The Secret is Hidden Inside You

Did you know that there at 17 levels of consciousness?


It is of vital importance to be aware of which levels we are operating at in our lives on a regular basis.

This is the frequency we are projecting to the universe that attracts our day-to-day life experiences.

Most people are operating at the lower level of consciousness such as shame, guilt, anger, grief, fear through which they will create lack in some, if not all areas in their life, instead of abundance.

🌟 The program is about activating the nine higher frequencies of consciousness - from Courage to Enlightenment. Together they form the portal to human evolution.

This process will be assisted by:

Arcturian Star Beings

whose wisdom messages and healings were spontaneously presented to me several years ago.


Light Language transmissions

Light Language is channeled frequencies of sound and light - a form of non-linear communication with the Higher Self through which is transmitted the WISDOM of THE SOUL. It circumvents the mind and is mainly experienced as a feeling. As the LANGUAGE of THE HEART, it is a CATALYST OF PERSONAL DEEP CHANGE AND EVOLUTION

I was trained in Light Language by Jamye Price, very renowned energy healer, channeler and a teacher, author of “Opening to Light Language“.

The Language of Light is natural but it cannot be fully understood until you experience it yourself.

🌟 By activating the nine high frequencies of consciousness we are becoming more available to the life force to flow through us.

🌟 Moving through the frequencies and letting go of what is in the way of embodying them - represents our Hero's journey.

And I welcome you to your own Hero’s journey, supported by Arcturian Star Beings and Light Language transmissions at each level of our spiralling up the high frequencies of consciousness!

I will be your guide in this journey.


Dr. Veselka Nikolova, MD, is an intuitive and energy healer, teacher, personal development counsellor & founder of Beyond Love. With her ability to tap into the invisible realms, she helps people know who they are at Soul level and empowers them to clear their path, align with their gifts, start living an inspired life and create an abundant new reality for themselves.

Veselka went a long way to close the gap between science and spirit by integrating conventional medical knowledge and intuitive multidimensional healing. 


After a successful career as a Medical Doctor, Clinical Haematologist, with over 35 years of experience in the conventional medical field, Veselka went through a challenging time — a dark night of the soul — which shifted her path. This initiatory time amplified her intuitive and healing abilities, her desire to go beyond the visible into the hidden, forgotten and powerful aspects of our human being, the human Soul ~ something that she studied & explored over the course of more than 10 years.

She took the courage now to let go of her conventional career, and to fully step into her calling — to contribute to creating a new paradigm of healing beyond the symptoms in the physical body, by addressing the root cause and the wholeness of our multidimensional Being. 

Today, Veselka is supporting everyone who is ready for a big shift in their life to find out and align with their inherent unique gifts, to embody & to put their unique talents into action and powerfully create meaningful & abundant lives.

Veselka feels that we are all called to choose differently now, to allow the Soul to guide us, to start living in oneness with the Earth & the Cosmos, if we want to see a new reality emerging in our lifetimes — if we want to leave a legacy to the next generations. 



Although I know that I am not able to create these miracles for you, I also know that YOU CAN!

⭐️ It is the realisation that you are not a victim of your life circumstances, that makes you capable!

⭐️ It is the realisation that taking full responsibility for your own life, that makes you powerful!

⭐️ It is the realisation that YOUR consciousness creates YOUR reality.

You realise that YOU are the creator of your life circumstances, bad or good, and once you claim the authorship of your “bad” life circumstances…

…YOU are already a winner

…YOU have left behind the old 3D paradigm of being and living & you have committed yourself to the new expanded 5D consciousness.

And I honour you for that!

There is a candle in your heart, ready to be kindled. There is a void in your soul, ready to be filled. You feel it, don’t you?
— Rumi

Join me for:

Creating Your Own Miracles
The Secret is Hidden Inside You

Here is Our Curriculum:

We will have nine live sessions from March 9th - June 29th, 2023

We will meet every other week on Thursdays at 9 am Pacific / 12 noon Eastern / 5 pm UK / 6 pm CET.

Each class will last approximately 90 minutes long.

If you cannot attend in person, don’t worry! The full class recording will be sent out to you afterwards.

In Each of The 9 Sessions Of The Program:

✨ You will get to know a unique non-linear perspective on the 9 higher levels of consciousness: Courage, Neutrality, Willingness, Acceptance, Reason, Love, Joy, Peace, Enlightenment.

✨ You will receive a channeling (and sometimes healing and activation) from Arcturian Star Beings to help with the understanding of each of the levels of consciousness from Courage and above ✨

✨ You will be presented with a Light Language transmission serving as a metaphorical explanation of each level of consciousness from Courage and above ✨

✨ We will connect for a Live group-specific Light Language transmission & healing - to activate the frequency of each level. *I am channeling the Light Language healing codes and You will be your own healer and receive the healing it in a unique way for your highest and greatest good

✨ At the end of each session, we will take some time to share our experience of the Live Light Language transmission ✨

In this program you will:

✨ Let go of the lower energy frequencies related to the outdated, unviable 3D reality, based on competition and separation ✨

✨ Come into alignment with the frequencies of the higher levels of consciousness related to the new, expansive 5D reality of the New Earth, based on cooperation and oneness ✨

✨ Enhance your life and empower yourself to create your life in union with all Life ✨

Class 1: March 9, 2023

Activation of Courage

✨ Courage is the 1st one of the nine higher levels of consciousness and a stepping stone to building new life circumstances

✨ You will be guided to claim Courage as the first step of creation

✨ You will step into the unknown and tap into a greater possibility & be guided to begin the process of birthing something new

✨ You will receive a Light Language transmission to help your cells become antennas for receiving and grounding all possibilities

✨ You will receive a second Live Light Language transmission to activate the frequency of Courage within you and release whatever might be blocking it

Class 2: March 23, 2023

Activation of Neutrality

✨ You will learn to be observant and not get involved in the drama of what's going on & not allow the Ego mind to colour the experience.

✨ You will be guided to transcend the perceptions of good or bad and experience that all is part of the Divine & as such it can't be good or bad, it just IS.

✨ You will receive a Light Language transmission to help you meet your shadow, let go of righteousness, see the truth in everyone and everything & get attuned to perceive with the neutral eye of God inside you.

✨ You will receive a second Live Light Language transmission to activate the frequency of Neutrality within you and release whatever might be blocking it

Class 3: April 6, 2023

Activation of Willingness

✨ You will learn that Willingness is the connection with the heart field to discern what the heart desires

✨ You will be guided to see through the lens of the heart, as heart can only recognise oneness, as heart is all embracing and doesn’t know separation

✨ You will receive a Light Language transmission to help you understand that Willingness has no ambition and goal attached; to teach you that Willingness is a pure intention and you access it when you stay open to the Divine guidance to enter.

✨ You will receive a second Live Light Language transmission to activate the frequency of Willingness within you and release whatever might be blocking it

Class 4: April 20, 2023

Activation of Acceptance

✨ You will learn that Acceptance is a turning point, in which You accept your mind unconditionally, with all its judgements and condemnations, just because you start to see with the eye of the God inside you

✨ You will be guided to build a gentle & yet robust bridge between the heart and the mind & allow Acceptance in

✨ You will receive a Light Language transmission to help you expand your perception from a tunnel-vision to a large 360-degree inner vision

✨ You will receive a second Live Light Language transmission to activate the frequency of Acceptance within you and release whatever might be blocking it

Class 5: May 4, 2023

Activation of Reason

✨ You will step beyond the REASONing of the mind and experience that real Reason is LIFE itself & living full life of growth and expansion

✨ You will learn that the Reason of Life is to co-create your reality and it happens when you plug yourself into the socket of the universe & open up to receive unconditional guidance

✨ You will receive a Light Language transmission to help you expand your perception that Reason always has a bigger purpose

✨ You will receive a second Live Light Language transmission to activate the frequency of Reason within you and release whatever might be blocking it

Class 6: May 18, 2023

Activation of Love

✨ You will learn that Love is a state of endless ability to embrace anyone and anything in your boundless heart’s light

✨ You will be guided to connect with your pure heart space which is not attached to anything but is one with everything

✨ You will receive a Light Language transmission to help you feel that Love fills every photon in the Universe and is always accessible to you

✨ You will receive a second Live Light Language transmission to activate the frequency of Love within you and release whatever might be blocking it

Class 7: June 1, 2023

Activation of Joy

✨ You will learn that the memory of Joy, the code for Joy is in your DNA, never lost, just silenced & through your consciousness you can make it alive again

✨ You will realise that Joy is activated by the recognition that you have everything you need in life at this very moment

✨ You will receive a Light Language transmission to open your perception that Joy and Gratitude are the two sides of a coin - Yin & Yang, receiving & giving - both part of an eternal process of Life force energy exchange

✨ You will receive a second Live Light Language transmission to activate the frequency of Joy within you and release whatever might be blocking it

Class 8: June 15, 2023

Activation of Peace

✨ You will learn that Peace is the “glue” that holds everything together in harmony and balance. This frequency is the one that senses the imbalances and brings homeostasis to the whole

✨ You will be guided to experience Peace as a place of cooperation & alignment between your thoughts, emotions and actions, which will create the best evolutionary step in your personal life

✨ You will receive a Light Language transmission to help you let go of all your identifications, connect the stillness in your heart with the field of all possibilities & start manifesting a new reality for yourself

✨ You will receive a second Live Light Language transmission to activate the frequency of Peace within you and release whatever might be blocking it

Class 9: June 29, 2023

Activation of Enlightenment

✨ You will experience that everything and everyone in this Creation has its own light; that you are nothing else but pure light, and Enlightenment means turning this light on

✨ You will learn to activate the codes for your pure light to find its expression

✨ You will receive a Light Language transmission to help you let go of limitations that hold you imprisoned

✨ You will receive a second Live Light Language transmission to activate the frequency of Enlightenment within you and release whatever might be blocking it

As you start to walk on the way, the way appears.
— Rumi


Regular Price: £999

I am keeping the price as low as possible, for all who feel called to join.

You’ll Receive Everything Listed Above For Only:


This Reduced Price Is Available Until 11:59 pm PST On Wednesday, March 1st.


Fast Action Bonus

The first 3 people who join BY FEBRUARY 24th will receive:

A BONUS 60-Minute 1:1 Your Divine Soul Blueprint Session With Veselka

Optional Upgrade

Receive a discounted 1:1 Coaching Session with Me!

IN ADDITION TO THE 9-MODULE PROGRAM you will receive a 60-Minute 1:1 Your Divine Soul Blueprint Session With Veselka at 55% of its regular price

During this session:

  • By accessing your Akashic records I will bring information about who you are at Soul level - your Divine gifts and talents & the Star system your Soul originated from. Knowing this is so empowering as it gives you guidance on the right direction to move towards, and also outlines the frames of your Soul-aligned actions which will bring positive shifts in your life.

    Regular Total Price: £1221

You will receive it for only:


A 1:1 Your Divine Soul Blueprint Session is a Perfect Complement

to the 9-module journey

Creating Your Own Miracles
The Secret is Hidden Inside You!


Select your payment preference here:

Registration has closed for this program.

To join the Wait List for the Creating Your Own Miracles Program, so you’ll be notified when it opens up again, please send an email to




Who is this 9-module Life-enhancing program for?

This Program Is Perfect:

🌟 For all of you who are really ready to move through the high level of consciousness - you have been experiencing a lot of struggle, healing the shadow in yourself, but you still don’t see the light that you so much are longing for, so much striving for.

🌟 This is also for all of you who are still very much caught up in the lower vibrations such as anger, blame, shame, judgement, guilt & these lower vibrations have become so intense that they are preventing you from letting fully the creative Life force energy in.

If you feel all this intensity shaking you to the core, you have come to the edge when a little crack will just open and unleash all these emotions to be released. Taking a further step to let the power of the higher vibrations in will make this little crack for you.

🌟 🌟 🌟

Wherever you are on this path, I honour you for your willingness to embrace your most powerful self, to embody more and more of the multidimensional layers of your soul.

Click here to register

Registration Has Closed For This Program.

I can’t wait to meet you and guide you on YOUR sacred, Life-enhancing journey!

With love & gratitude,

Dr Veselka Nikolova, MD

Founder of BEYOND LOVE