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Alice in Wonderland

Would You Tell Me Please, Which Way I Ought To Go From Here?

That Depends A Good Deal Where You Want To Get To - Said The Cat.

I Don’t Much Care Where … - Said Alice

Then It Doesn’t Matter Which Way To Go - Said The Cat.

… So Long As I Get Somewhere - Alice Added As An Explanation.

Oh, You Are Sure To Do That - Said The Cat - If You Only Walk Long Enough.


What Soul Realignment is, How it works and What to expect when you book a session with me

Like Alice, most of the time we move through life without any clear direction. Not exactly like her because we follow some direction but the conditioned Mind is the one that sets the goals and fuels the achievements, it’s not the Soul.

Your Divine Soul Blueprint

This work is done via accessing your Akashic records which are a quantum store of information about your Soul throughout all its incarnations. This reading will reveal WHO YOU ARE AT SOUL LEVEL so that you know the Divine Gifts that you were inherently born with.

Soul realignment

Via accessing your Akashic records the reading will uncover what blocking patterns you have at this moment and how they may not allow you to fully express your Gifts and manifest what you want. The idea of having this information is for you to understand how these blocks are currently affecting your life. Furthermore, based on this understanding you can start taking new Soul-aligned actions that will begin to transform your life. This last phase is in your full control because you know best what you are ready to let go of, what new life circumstances you want to create and how determined you are to take new actions. Without a shadow of a doubt you are capable of doing so.


The Akashic record reading I will do prior to the booked appointment and will simultaneously do energy clearing of the blocks that I have uncovered for your Soul Realignment session. This process takes around 1-1.5 hours work “behind the scenes”. During a Live Zoom session, I will share what I have found and help you understand how you created your current life circumstances and what new choices you need to make to gradually start aligning with your true essence, your Soul. After the session I will email you a 21-day transmutation of energy homework which will help you anchor the energy of the clearing to your physical body on a cellular level. All you need is to take new aligned actions which will invariably manifest positive changes into your current life.


Is It For Me?

YES, it is for you IF:

✨💫 You want to know who you are at soul level

✨💫 You feel your bigger potential but somehow have no clarity about it, have no access to it, have no way of expressing it

✨💫 You are done with your current circumstances and desperately want to get unstuck and move on

✨💫 You want to understand what is the real root cause of your issues

✨💫 You understand that you yourself create your life through choice and consequence, that you have created all your undesirable life circumstances, but you CAN also UNDO them and CREATE YOUR NEW REALITY.

I truly believe that this is THE BIGGEST GIFT you can give to yourself or to a dearly loved one.
