…And start creating the life you want
💫 This work provides support to all who feel their life is incomplete and are seeking change, evolution, transformation. 💫 This work is for all who are ready to explore and understand the root cause of their life struggles. 💫 This work is for all who want to know who they are at Soul level, how to align their choices with their Soul’s gifts & create the life they desire and deserve.
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“Maybe you are searching among the branches for what only appears in the roots.”
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Hello & Welcome!
I’m Veselka
Let me introduce myself as I have entered the next phase of my life, following my heart calling - to help as many people as possible to heal on a deep level.
Arriving at this point wouldn’t have been possible without my background of conventional medical education, which has given me a thorough knowledge of how Human body works in health and disease. However, it has also laid the foundation for my further understanding that we are more than a physical body, that we are a whole Being with a unique Soul.