Yesterday I was clever, so I wanted to change the world.
Today I am wise, so I am changing myself.
— Rumi

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💫 Soul Realignment

This reading can be done as an ONGOING work every 3 to 6 months, depending on how committed you are to shift from a habitual, non-conscious way to a conscious, Soul-aligned way of making choices. It will reveal and clear another layer of blocks and restrictions, that get in your way of creating a happy and fulfilled life.

💫 Life Situation Reading

The Life situation reading is for you if you want to resolve specific issues that you are currently encountering. This 1-hour session will uncover and provide energetic clearing of underlying blocks that are the root cause of your life situations. It provides guidance on what new Soul-aligned choices you could make in order to manifest positive changes in your life.

💫 Manifesting Blueprint

Each one of us sets goals but the ultimate results may not turn out to be as we have envisaged. The fact is that each one of us has a unique Manifesting blueprint, which is how we are designed to manifest our intentions.  Taking actions aligned to our blueprint  will definitely lead us to manifesting results that we desire. In this 1-hour session you will get to know how you are designed to manifest in general. You will also receive practical help of how to align your actions for manifesting one intention which you can bring to the session.

💫 Life Lessons Reading

Our life lessons represent the tendencies we all have towards negative karmic pattern. They are THEMES that help us learn at the level of Ego how to re-align our choices to our Divine Soul Blueprint & more fully express our Divine nature into our human experience. This 1-hour session will explore your primary & secondary life lessons and how they are currently showing up in your life.

💫 Spirit Guide profile

Spirit Guides are Souls who provide spiritual support to us on a daily basis to create the experience we want for ourselves. They are personal and only serve us if we decide to open up to their help. In this 1-hour session I can tell you who your personal Spirit Guides are & how they are helping you with their Divine Energies. I may also receive a message of guidance and inspiration for you.

💫 Chakra Analysis Reading

Chakras are 7 levels of power that we learn to manage and by doing so we consciously mature and empower ourselves. This 1-hour reading provides analysis of your chakra system, discovers possible under- or over-activity of each chakra at physical, emotional and mental level. It gives an overview on what you are focused on or may be neglecting and any imbalances that you are creating in your life. An energetic clearing will be done to realign your chakra system. You will also receive understanding and guidance on what new actions you need to take to rebalance your life.

💫 Light Language Healing

This 1-hour session is channeled frequencies of sound and light through the Higher Self which is transmitting the WISDOM of THE SOUL. It cleanses your mind, expands your heart and heals your body. As the LANGUAGE of THE HEART, it is a CATALYST OF PERSONAL DEEP CHANGE AND EVOLUTION.

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💫💫 Please send me an email via the form below if you have any questions 💫💫